terça-feira, julho 26, 2011

Ivald Granato :: A Multitasking Artist

Versão traduzida. Originalmetne Publicado em 24.07.2011 por: www.artistshowdown.com

Ivald Granato é um profissional completo: Performático, artista visual, escultor, gravador, artista de vanguarda ... é de fato o que se chama de 'multitasking artist'. Para muitos ele é um incansável L'enfant terrible. Com 60 anos, há mais de 40 ele participa ativamente do cenário artístico brasileiro e internacional. Com uma lista interminável de mostras individuais em Museus e Galerias de Arte em todo o mundo, ele não para. Por tudo que ele já fez e acumulou, ao longo dos anos, muitos poderiam achar que ele levaria uma vida descansada e confortável em sua bela casa em São Paulo, ou simplesmente gastando o seu dinheiro viajando ao redor do mundo. O que não vem a ser tão longe da verdade; mas ele nunca foi capaz de se acomodar e domar o seu espírito 'quixotiano'. Granato é incontrolavelmente inquieto. Independentemente se ele está viajando ou em seu ateliê, está sempre pensando em novas maneiras de fazer as coisas, bem como de contrariar o mercado das artes, que ele chama frequentemente de manipulado e manipulador.

Granato agora está na reta final dos preparativos da sua próxima mostra. Na verdade se trata do início de uma turnê com duração de apenas um dia em cada cidade, no formato pop-up. Acontecerá em várias cidades no Brasil e Europa. Neste projeto ele traz de volta um pouco das performances que ele tanto fez com Helio Oiticica, nas décadas de 70 e 80, mas com uma linguagem atual e antenada. A mostra se chama "RockShow - Parece que foi Ontem". Nela teremos projeções de vídeos de performances atuais e antigas, assim como uma exposição exclusiva de 30 gravuras, cada uma com tiragem limitada de 3, medindo 54 x 39 cm, da sua série "Grafhis" - criada em sua viagem este ano pela Europa.

Exposição (1 dia apenas):
Dia 09 de agosto, às 20h.

Versão Original:

Ivald Granato: The performer, the visual artist, the sculpturer, the engraver, the vanguard and multitasking artist. For many he is a resteless L’enfant terrible. At the age of 60, he has been active and engaged in the Brazilian and international art scene for the past 40 years. With an endless list of solo shows in Museums and Art Galleries around the globe, he is non stop. For all he has done and for all he has gained, throughout the years, one would guess he ought to rest and live his comfortable life in his amazing house in Brazil or simply spend his money and time traveling around the world. That isn’t far from the truth. However, he has never been able to tame the uncontrollable and restless ranger he actually is. Regardless if he is traveling or is in his pad, he is always thinking about new ways of doing things, as well as contradicting the staggered art scene he often calls manipulated and manipulative.

He’s now working on a new show format, actually it’s a 1 day pop-up show where he brings back the flair of the performances he used to to with Helio Otiticica, back in the 70’s and 80’s. It’s called “Parece que foi ontem”, something like ‘It seems like yesterday’.

The show embodies video projections of late and early performances and an exclusive exhibition of 30 prints, each one is a limited edition of 3 - 54×39cm from the series ‘Grafhis” gathered from his latest fact finding trips around the world. It will take place at Galeria Garcia, located on Rua Auriflama 87, in Sao Paulo. Save the date: August 9 at 8PM.

We borrowed the words of Jacob Klintowitz, one of the greatest art critics in Brazil, to better portray Ivald Granato’s multitasking profile.

“When we view Ivald Granato’s paintings, we often get the impression they were made quickly. Some could not have taken more than a day to come to being. That is indeed the truth. They were created in exactly forty years and a day.

Throughout the last forty years, Ivald Granato has been a constant and forceful presence in Brazilian art. During this time he did practically everything an artist can possibly do in the XX and XXI centuries: painting, drawing, sculpture, objects, ceramics, installations, performance, postal art, works in progress, muralism, art books, urban interventions, alternative journalism. It is through such restless and intensely participative activity that one can understand the history of our art simply by observing Granato’s work throughout its course. It is difficult to understand the history of Brazilian art without acknowledging the presence of Ivald Granato.

As an artist, Ivald Granato is gifted with a rare peculiarity. He organizes movement, gesture and energy and his creative process is similar to the result of painting. His ahs a particular method, of energetic impulse and a visceral dive into the construct of the figure. Notice how his figures – the core of his work – convey incessant movement as if the brush had a frenetic life of its own. The figure takes shape without prior drawing, without the need of a single stroke of contour, as it is established by the relationships among the internal pictorial volumes.

Ivald Granato is a gestural artist. Ivald Granato is an artist who immerses himself in the act of creation. For Ivald Granato, the creative gesture is also a body movement, a dance, particular and unique. And paradoxically, Ivald Granato, a member of our vanguard, an icon of the contestation movements and of the pursuit of new languages, is a classicist, given that the manner by which he constructs the figure – through the relationships among internal volumes – is best exemplified by the emblematic work of Paul Cézanne.”

Jacob Klintowitz

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